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Artist  TJA  also known as Tobe James  Ackerman  was born and raised in the city of  Flint, MI.  On September 17, 1992, the world was unaware of the creative talent that stirred within the lungs of a child that was destined to embrace the world with creativity. From the early age of nine or ten, TJA was introduced to the electrifying feeling music gives when you’re predestined for it. He recalls it as “a strong bond that to this day  that  I can’t live without.” TJA first started to rap at age eleven thanks to an older brother teaching him how to create lyrics for “Christian Rap”. Over the years, as he began to further explore music and different styles/genres, TJA decided  to embark upon a journey that would lead him to a career in sound. “There’s freedom in music; it doesn’t have rules and restrictions. I’m free to express, free to feel, and free to be me. Music has basically become my life and without it… well, i guess I’m incomplete.” States TJA.


          TJA is well prepared to knock down the doors of the Music Industry. He has opened up for Tinashe, Kat Dahlia, the Ying Yang Twins, and many more. . . He  has performed at many different spots including the Savoy Nightclub in Sault Ste. Marie; The Aloha Lounge, The Waterfront, The Local 432, and The Loft in Flint. He has been MC and performed at Michigan Technological University’s Winter Carnival in front of hundreds of people. TJA’s music is currently featured on Flints Club 93.7 FM. In July 2012, he won the stations most sought after position: first place with “810 Local Flow.” TJA then started working with Elevation Movement, an independent, high-profile Production Company in Flint, Michigan in an effort to take his music beyond Flint and around the world.  TJA says that his music is inspired by his motto in life: “Stay Real Stay True (#SRST)” which  he interprets as not selling a different  image than what you really are and being upfront with individuals from the beginning. “If you’re not real or true, neither is your music.” He says.



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